Features of editing the translated text

24 april, 2024

On April 24, 2024, the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation of the Faculty of Philology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University  and the «Tarzhiman» Young Translator Club held a round table discussion  on the topic:  «Features of editing the translated  text». The event was organized within the framework of  «SDG 4.  Quality Education» and «World Book and Copyright Day».
 The expert editors of «STEP & WORLD» well- known publishing house,   Yrysbek Dabi, Aslan Kuanyshuly, sales manager Galymzhan Orazymbet and others took part in the event. The  editors told about some linguistic and national peculiarities in editing a translated text, general manager G. Orazymbet shared  the experience  of the organizing  publishing activity and making  contracts with authors. The  future translators and philologists asked questions. The moderator of the round table discussion, Associate Professor L. Musaly emphasized that translation editor is a difficult and responsible job, and it is important for students to develop practical skills in order to get a job in the future on  their specialty. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philology Zhaina Satkenova, Head of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Malika Aimagambetova, Senior Lecturer Rauana Torekhanova took part in the round table discussion too. They talked about the future practice of yhe students.  This event was interesting for all  participants.

Organizers: Musaly L., Torekhanova R.