Visiting the "Book Club" of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after M. Esbulatov

25 april, 2024

World Book and Copyright Day has been celebrated annually since April 23, 1996. This significant day was proclaimed by UNESCO at the 28th session on November 15, 1995.
So, today, April 23, 2024, Suraeva K.S. together with students of the 119 group of the OP "Law Enforcement", as well as students of the 212 group of associate professor Akbolatova M.E., went on an exciting journey into the world of detective literature, visiting the "Book Club" of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after M. Esbulatov.  
During the event, students focused on various aspects of the genre, ranging from its historical roots and progressive development to the contribution of Kazakhstani writers to this field. The discussion included an analysis of genre features such as intrigue, deductive method of cognition, plot twists and psychological depth.
In addition to discussing the theoretical aspects of detective literature, the students also conducted a blitz survey, the purpose of which was to identify the preferences of the audience regarding famous detectives, their authors and characters. The opportunity to win prizes added extra weight to the event, stimulating active participation and interaction among students.
At the end of the meeting, the participants drew lots and made a choice of the next book to be discussed within the book club. After a careful drawing, the book "The Green King" by Paul Lou Sulitzer was determined. This choice reflects the students' desire for diversity in literary preferences and the desire to study the works of various authors, contributing to the expansion of their horizons and cultural development.
The World Book and Copyright Day holiday highlights the importance of books as a link between the past and the future, a bridge between generations and cultures.
The event is also timed to coincide with the achievement of the 4th UN SDG "Quality Education".