Educational hour with 1st year students

24 april, 2024

On April 24, 2024, within the framework of the 4th TDM "Quality Education", the senior lecturer of the Department of Customs, Finance and Environmental Law S.M. Zhapakov The Faculty of Law held an educational hour with 102 students of the 1st year advisory group. Dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor Baydeldinov Daulet Laikovich and Deputy Dean Asanova Saida Ergashevna, Ph.D., attended the educational hour. The educational hour was held according to plan. In addition, questions were raised about the progress of lessons in the second semester, and during the education hour, Daulet Laikovich expressed his gratitude to a group of students actively participating in the events of our university and wished them success in passing their exams in the upcoming summer semester on time and completing the academic year in an orderly manner.