Cleaning of the territory of the monument to A. Baitursynov!

25 april, 2024

      On the initiative of youth resource centers and organizations of the country, the republican environmental campaign "Taza Kazakhstan" was launched. The week of the large-scale environmental campaign "sacred address" will be devoted to the improvement of the territory of historical cultural monuments. In this regard, within the framework of the 15th SDG "conservation of terrestrial ecosystems" and the "Taza Kazakhstan" campaign, the al-Farabi Kazakh National University College together with students of the PK-101, PK-102 groups specializing in Law, teachers G. M. Akbayeva, A. A. Bakirov, A. S. Turegeldieva visited the monument of Baitursynov.            College students, being children of one of the houses, actively cleaned the territory of the monument, planted bouquets of flowers and intensively carried out cleaning. In addition to cleaning, bouquets of roses were planted around the monument and landscaping work was carried out.
      The purpose of the work on cleaning the territory of the monument of A. Baitursynov "Kieli meken" is the formation of spiritual and moral qualities in a teenager, fostering respect for nature, the environment, increasing cohesion and responsibility.
     "Cleanliness begins at the threshold," which means that a responsible attitude to the cleanliness of the environment is the main task of every citizen.