"Seismic condition of Almaty city"

29 april, 2024

Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 13), an event was held on the theme "Seismic condition of Almaty city".

The purpose of the event: to provide detailed information about the seismic condition of the city of Almaty, to familiarize with the causes of occurrence, protection measures, safety rules.

            Completed tasks:

  • receives detailed information about the seismic condition of the city of Almaty;
  • to determine the seismic state of the city of Almaty in modern conditions, conduct an independent analysis and submit your proposals;
  • determines the causes of earthquakes;
  • Analyzes the countries of the world where a devastating earthquake occurred;
  • expresses his opinion on why devastating earthquakes occur before dawn;
  • gets acquainted with protective measures and safety rules.


Be ready in advance!!!

Backpack or bag;

    • Documents. Cash;
    • Food and water that will last for three days (crusty bread);
    • Primary health care pharmacy and medicines;
    • Whistle, lantern;
    • Warm clothes;

During the first earthquake


    • Don't panic during an earthquake and don't let others panic;
    • Turn off the gas, water and lights if possible;
    • If there is an earthquake with a low score, do not be afraid to stand, wait;
    • After the earthquake stops, try to go outside as soon as possible (15 seconds).

If you are inside the house when a strong earthquake occurs (the force of the shock is 5 and higher):

    • If you are on the second and higher floors, don't go anywhere from there!
    • Stand in a safe place of the inner wall, in the corner to the edge of the door! Protect your head!
    • Go under the bed, table, because they protect you from falling objects and fragments. Keep yourself away from heavy furniture and windows!
    • Do not use the elevator, stairs! Do not go out on the balcony.
    • After the end of the earthquake (maximum about 15 seconds. 5 min.) It's better to go outside and get to a safe place!
    • Stay away from electric currents, tall houses, large trees, places with water pipes.

If it's outside:

    • Stand in an open area away from buildings and power lines!
    • And stay away from downed power lines!
    • Do not cross the building and do not enter it!
    • Don't get out if you're in the car, open the door, and wait!