Business technologies in the context of SD: issues of theory and practice

30 april, 2024

The sustainable development paradigm involves a shift from a consumption and production model based on resource consumption and ecological destruction to one focused on sustainability, resource efficiency and environmental conservation. It also means paying attention to social justice, ensuring equal opportunities and access to resources for all members of society.


The recently concluded ІІ International Scientific and Practical Conference "Paradigm of Sustainable Economic Development in the Conditions of Global Changes: Challenges, Consequences, Opportunities" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Higher School of Economics and Business turned out to be not only a bright event in the scientific life of the university, but also a source of important knowledge, ideas and inspiration for all its participants. The conference participants presented a wide range of research and innovative ideas in various fields, expressed their views and offered constructive ideas to improve the efficiency of processes and outcomes in sectors of the economy.

The participation of international scholars and researchers at the conference brought new perspectives, knowledge and experience to the common dialog. It was not only an opportunity to share scientific results, but also a chance for international networking and collaboration. Here are just a few examples of foreign guests and participants of the conference:

Prof. Antonio Maffei's (Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden) participation in our conference proved to be very valuable and inspiring for all present. His knowledge and experience in the field of sustainable development helped to enrich the discussions and stimulate new ideas for further research and action.

Also, the participation of Dr. Jurijs Tolujevs Jurijs Ivanovičs, Doctor of Natural and Technical Sciences, Institute of Transport and Telecommunications of Latvia (researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Organization and Automation (Germany) deserves special attention. At the conference Dr. Toluev presented a report on the topic: "Universal digital model of material flow in a transport corridor". His presentation aroused great interest of the participants and stimulated further discussions and research in this area.

In addition, the conference provided an excellent platform for establishing new contacts and creating a basis for future cooperation with business organizations. Thus, the guest of honor at the plenary session was Madiyar Sultanbek, doctoral student of the Department of "Business Technologies" - director of the branch of JSC NC "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" - Multifunctional Service Center.

In the first section "Transformation of business technology in the context of sustainable development: opportunities and prospects" reports were made by Aben Asel - leading expert of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies, whose work is devoted to analyzing the impact of climate change on the sustainability of the economy of Kazakhstan. The research and analytical findings are important for the development of strategies to adapt to climate change and ensure sustainable development of the country.

The next speaker was Serikbekuly Askhat, founder of EZ FACTOR & EZapp Logistic Technologies. His work in logistics and technology attracts attention with his innovative approach to supply chain management and optimization of logistics processes. Serikbekuly Askhat's participation in the conference is intended to share his experience and expertise with other participants and to stimulate discussions on innovative approaches to supply chain management in the food sector.

The results of the conference were a starting point for developing new strategies and plans for the future. Participants left the conference with new knowledge, inspiration and motivation for further work on solving urgent problems and achieving important goals, which corresponds to the set tasks in the message of the President of RK Tokayev K.K. to the people of Kazakhstan. In general, the ІІІ International Scientific and Practical Conference was not only successful, but also inspiring for all its participants.


Candidate of Economic Sciences, Acting Professor


Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, HSEB