Development of constitutional and legal science of Kazakhstan: history, problems, prospects

25 april, 2024

April 25, 2024 As part of the implementation of the UN SDG-17 Partnership for Sustainable Development, one of the invited guests of the international scientific and practical conference on the topic "Development of constitutional and legal science of Kazakhstan: history, problems, prospects" of al-Farabi Kazakh National University were Abdullayeva Dilfuza Saidazimovna - Doctor of Law (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department "International Law and Human Rights"; Nurullaev Farrukh Umidzhanovich - lecturer at the Department of International Law and Human Rights. For their active participation and contribution to enriching discussions and learning new knowledge, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Doctor of Law, Professor Baideldinov D.L., issued them certificates of participants of the conference. We wish our guests further success in their professional activities and hope for further cooperation in the future.