Students of “Marketing” at Al-Farabi Kazakh NationalUniversity Pechenyuk Anastasia, Husainova Dilnaz andGuzeev Lev took part in the Republican Student Olympiad inthe discipline “Marketing”, held at Narxoz University.
Students once again confirmed their academic excellence by participating in the Republican Olympiad in various disciplines. They demonstrated a high level of knowledge and professionalism, taking a well-deserved second place among numerous participants.
The final second round of the Olympics consisted of four stages. At the first stage, students presented their team and university in the form of a video. At the second stage, the team presented pre-prepared projects and commercials. The last stage was the case solution presented by the employer. At all stages, our students showed themselves at a very high level.
This victory is clear evidence of the unique academic programs and training of quality specialists at Al-FarabiKazakh National University. Students not only demonstrated their talents and skills, but also successfully applied them in practice and achieved excellent results.
Scientific supervisors: Akhmetova Z.B., Rysbaeva B.B.