Competitions in sports were held at the college.

30 april, 2024

On April 30, 2024, the College of Al-Farabi kaznu, dedicated to May 1-the day of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan, organized by teachers of the discipline "Physical Culture", held a tournament of sports competitions among students of 1-2 courses in volleyball and football. The main goal of the tournament is to effectively organize the leisure of teenagers and attract them to sports, strengthen mutual friendship and cooperation.
The competition was attended by 6 teams in football, 3 teams in volleyball, 53 students of the college. In this competition, the 1st place was taken by the "Orbita" team, the 2nd place was taken by the Madrid team, and the 3rd place was taken by the Alash team.  In volleyball, the 1st place was taken by the team "Kyran", the 2nd place was taken by the team "Tiger", the 3rd place was taken by the team" Bars".