St. Nicholas Cathedral

1 may, 2024

     Quality education for all is one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.May 01, 2024 curators-advisers of groups PG-9, PG-14 Mamytbekova L.K. and Sadenova A.E. Faculty of Pre-University Education of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with students visited one of the oldest churches in the city of Almaty - St. Nicholas Cathedral, located on the street. A. Baitursynov.

     During the academic year, along with mastering the Russian language, students also study the culture of the Russian people, because it is an integral element of the language being studied. While getting acquainted with texts about Moscow and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the classroom from the textbook “The Road to Russia,” students became interested in whether there were Orthodox churches in Almaty, so the idea arose to go on an excursion to a real cathedral.

     On the excursion Mamytbekova L.K. spoke about the more than century-old history of St. Nicholas Cathedral, which was founded in 1908, the rules of conduct in an Orthodox church, Lent, which lasts 40 days, the largest holiday of Christians, “Easter,” which will be celebrated on 05/05/24, and the traditions of this holiday.

      On this day, students learned a lot of new information, they were interested to know why parishioners light candles, and new expressions appeared in their vocabulary, such as “for peace”, “for health.” In addition, it was interesting to climb the belfry, where students could ring the bell themselves. The students were left with a lot of impressions from visiting the church, because they had never seen a real service in a church.