A life interconnected with science

2 may, 2024

On May 2, 2024,  at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,  there was the presentation of the scientific books: "Modern Kazakh language", "Shakharim's peak"  and “Cognitive worldview: national codes in Kazakh language” by  professor, Doctor of Philology, Full Member of  "Academy of National Values" public association,  the academician,  the President of the "International Association of Kazakh Language Teachers" Anar  Bekmyrzakyzy Salkynbai. The works of the scientist have enriched the Kazakh science and enriched the fund  of valuable books.  The  reading these books can result in  the knowledge, skills  and national knowledge handed down  through language will be formed in the mind and in the  mind of tomorrow's high- educated specialist.  There was a special bond   between the scientist and the  students. Each  words from the heart reached the scientist’s soul.

  During the event Anar Bekmyrzakyzy  told about her childhood, youth, and  adult life. She also spoke about the life-experience wisdom from  "Tolyk Adam" teachings  by the  great Kazakh poet  Abai.  The author presented "Shakharim's peak"  book to Rashid Mukhitdinov, candidate of Philology from Nur-Mubarak University of Islamic Culture.  Ph.D. The scientist also presented her books to  Associate Professor Saule Zhusanbaeva and   Ph.D., Professor Dina Alkebaeva. Associate professor Saule Zhusanbaeva, Ph.D., professor Dina Alkebaeva, Ph.D., senior lecturer,  Shaigul Ramazanova, Ph.D.,    acting associate professor, senior lecturer,   Zh. Satkenova, Ph.D. and  associate professor M.A. Zhanar Abitzhanova made  the reports about  the scientist's personality and her  great contribution to the education of  young  generation. She wrote  10 monographs, 17 textbooks and teaching manuals, about 700 scientific articles due to her hard work. It also  was mentioned that the scientist is a graduate of the  educational institution, which has the name of a world scholar,  Al-Farabi and that her  colleagues at KazNU and the  students are proud of her fruitful work. This event was organized by the students of  Anar Bekmyrzakyzy’s  scientific school. It is clear that the enlightened life of a scientist who shows a real example of a moral life, full of research and work, is a great inspiration for the next generation.