KazNU scientists met with Vice-rector of Al-Azhar University, Honorary Professor Mohammed Al-Amir

18 april, 2024


A meeting was held between the Vice-rector of Al-Azhar University, Honorary Professor Mohammed Al-Amir, Professor of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers at the Institute of Education of Al-Azhar University Mahmoud Abdelhafiz Khalfallah Mohammed. The meeting was attended by scientists of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Professor Kurmanalieva A.D. and Associate Professor Alikbayeva M. B., Head of the Department of Arabic Studies of the Faculty of Oriental Studies Khavan Aydyngul. During the meeting, an exchange of views took place on the specifics of the training of Islamic studies specialists in the country, the importance of the Arabic language for Islamic scholars, as well as on the possibilities of continuing education for graduates of domestic universities at Al-Azhar University and the possibility of improving the qualifications of teachers, studying and teaching the legacy of Al-Farabi at the university, the importance of Turkic thinkers in lectures.