“Language is the precious treasure of every nation

5 may, 2024

09/08/23 In GM 23-01 an educational lesson was held on the topic “Language is the precious treasure of every nation” on the occasion of the Day of Languages. Group curator: Imanbay Azhar Kadyrbekovna.
Language is always respected and strong in any nation or country. It penetrates and is formed in every person through breast milk. Language is the soul of every country.
Today, more than 130 nationalities live in Kazakhstan. And each of them has a native language and traditions. Our country has all the conditions for the development of languages.
As you know, the main symbol of a country's independence is its native language. Language is the centuries-old history of a people. A country without a native language cannot exist as a state. Every nation in the world strives for independence in order to preserve its national dignity, culture and native language. Therefore, each state always respects and protects its native language. And protecting your native language means fluency in your native language.
An event dedicated to the holiday of languages was held at the Department of Fundamental Medicine. Students read poems written in their own languages in different countries and explained the characteristics of each language.

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