PhD, ass. Professor of the Department of Fundamental Medicine Turgumbayeva Aknur Amanbekovna became the owner of the state scientific scholarship!

5 may, 2024

PhD, ass. Professor of the Department of Fundamental Medicine Turgumbayeva Aknur Amanbekovna became the owner of the state scientific scholarship!
On October 31, 2023, a competition for annual state scientific scholarships was announced. On December 25, 2023, the list of 75 state scientific scholarships became known, including 50 state scientific scholarships for talented young scientists.
Turgumbayeva Aknur Amanbekovna is the author of more than 20 articles based on Scopus (h-index 5). She is the author of a monograph and many patents. Currently, the teacher of our department is undergoing a scientific internship in London under the Bolashak program.
Congratulations to our colleague and wish her further success!

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