Top Ten Ways to Save the Climate

25 april, 2024

On Аpril 25, 2024, the  senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation studies,  Azimbayeva I. K. with the 1st year students of  "Foreign Philology (Western languages)" major held a thematic lesson  on the topic: "Top Ten Ways to Save the Climate "  within the framework of the Sustainable Development  "SDGS 13. MEASURES TO COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE".  During the thematic  lesson,  the students actively participated in the discussion of this topic and learned more about the  solutions to the climate change problem.  They  discussed important issues such as deforestation, the effects of drought and floods in various regions, the expansion of desert regions around the world, as well as current environmental problems such as the melting of large glaciers. The  students  proposed the following measures to solve climate problems:   walking and cycling more  than   going  by bus, eating more plant and less animal food and  use more  renewable energy sources.


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