Scientific seminar within the framework of the 3 Sustainable Development Goals

8 may, 2024

On May 8, 2024, within the framework of the 3rd Sustainable Development Goal "Good Health and well-being", PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law G.S.Kalieva held a scientific seminar with students of the Faculty of Law. 
The purpose of the scientific seminar within the framework of the 3 Sustainable Development Goals "Good health and well-being" was to consider issues related to actions aimed at improving health and well-being. During the scientific seminar, attention was drawn to the fact that in the modern world, modern methods of diagnosing and detecting diseases are used in the field of medicine. The speakers stressed that young people should lead a healthy lifestyle, including giving up bad habits, proper nutrition and practicing various sports.
The students took an active part in the scientific seminar, including expressing their full agreement that it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle.