Turgen Waterfall

6 may, 2024

Within the framework of SDG 16, organized by the Local History club of the Department of Pre-university training, foreign students went to the Turgen Gorge, one of the wonders of Zhetysu. 

The purpose of the event: the development of tourism in the country through a local history trip for students from abroad, scientific, educational and socio-cultural development of the wonders of the Great Steppe and the promotion of our history, the chronicled land to the younger generation.

The Almaty region, known as "Zhernaty - Zhetisu", has a diverse nature. In this area you can find both a desert and a lake, as well as a majestic mountain. Therefore, the number of visitors from the country and abroad to enjoy the picturesque nature of the Almaty region is growing day by day.