10 may, 2024

Today, an important international scientific and practical conference “Constitutional principles of the administration of justice” was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. I am proud to announce that as a master's student I also took part in this landmark event.

The event was organized as part of the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh National University and was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the outstanding Doctor of Law, Professor Mami Kairat Abdrazakovich.

The conference participants actively discussed issues related to ensuring the supremacy of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the modernization of the judicial system.

It was extremely interesting for me to take part in such an important and prestigious event. Discussing various aspects of the constitutional principles of the administration of justice allowed me to expand my horizons and gain new perspectives in my educational and scientific activities.

Such events play an important role in the development of our legal community and contribute to strengthening the rule of law.


Master's student of the Faculty of Law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Koblandin A.S. Scientific supervisor, Doctor of Law, Professor Ibrayeva A.S.