KazNU students among the best

22 may, 2024

10 students of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University  became winners of the contest "The Best Student of RK - 2024".


The best students included: 3rd year student of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Zhalgas Maksotov, 4th year student Sultan Ilyas, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management Askar Kaldybek, 2nd year master student Nurlybek Izbasarov, 3rd year students of the Faculty of Law Nursultan Aman, Bakdaulet Kurban, 3rd year student of the Higher School of Economics and Business Baidaulet Baidulla, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Information Technologies Suyundyk Musralin, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Philology Nurai Kuanysh, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Journalism Aidana Kuandykova.

By the jury's decision, the students of KazNU took the prize 1st place.

Students from all regions of the country took part in the competition, organized jointly by the National Innovation Research Center "Bilim-orkenieti" and the Academy of the best students.

As a result, the active student youth who have achieved success in science, art, sports and have high organizational skills were selected and included in the book - the collection "The Best Student of the RK - 2024".

Students - leaders, who were included in the collection, were invited to the presentation of the book, were awarded the badge "The Best Student of RK - 2024", special diplomas, received gifts-books from the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University