Islamic studies in Kazakhstan: Formation and prospects of development

24 may, 2024


On May 24, 2024 the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held the Republican Round Table “Islamic Studies in Kazakhstan: prospects of formation and development” with the participation of Malik Nurzhanovich Otarbayev, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The moderator of the meeting was the dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, candidate of philosophical sciences, professor Meirbaev Bekzhan Berikbaevich, who emphasized the importance of such events to strengthen scientific ties and exchange of experience among specialists.

Mr. Malik Nurzhanovich Otarbayev opened the meeting, noting the importance of research in the field of Islamic studies and shared his vision of the future of this scientific field in Kazakhstan. Then Vice-Rector for Research and Innovative Works of KazNU Aitzhanova Zhamilya Nurmatkyzy noted the significant contribution of KazNU specialists in the development of specialty “Islamic studies” and in the training of highly qualified experts.

Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies Kurmanaliyeva A.D. discussed the importance of education and research in Islamic studies, the need for a systematic approach to the formation of teaching methodology and research work, as well as the development of programs to prevent the spread of views alien to the Kazakhstan mentality and strengthen spirituality among young people.

The event addressed topical issues of Islamic studies, the importance of developing methodologies for the training of highly qualified personnel and programs for the development of outlook and spirituality among young people. Leading scientists and scientific experts of Kazakhstan in the direction of Islamic studies, religious studies and cultural studies took part in the round table, such as the vice-rector of the Egyptian University of Islamic Culture Nur-Mubarak, Kurmanbay K., dean of the theological faculty of the Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Professor Kengetay D.T., Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kurmanaliyeva A.D., Chief Scientific Officer of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Satershinov B.M., Head of the Department of Religious Studies of L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, candidate of philosophical sciences Tyshan Kenshilik, doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Baitenova N.J., doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Borbasova K.M., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Gabitov T.H., Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor Bishmanov K.M. and other leading scientists, teachers, doctoral students and master students of the specialty of Islamic studies, religious studies and cultural studies of KazNU.

In conclusion, Malik Nurzhanovich Otarbayev, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, emphasized the role of religion in the socio-cultural space and the importance of developing methodologies of educational programs and scientific research for the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of theology, Islamic studies and religious studies. He wished everyone all the best, expressing confidence that this event will be a significant contribution to the development of Islamic studies in Kazakhstan and will contribute to further scientific progress in this field.