“Unity. Creation. Progress."

18 may, 2024

The President drew attention to the fact that our country does not deviate from its strategic goals and objectives, despite various challenges.

According to him, the task now is to transition to a new economic model based on the principles of fairness, inclusiveness, pragmatism and aimed at improving the well-being of the people.

In this regard, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev today at the meeting of the Assembly “Unity. Creation. Progress. He said that these three concepts accurately and clearly express the ultimate meaning of the strategic direction of our people, that unity and solidarity remain our main value and the unshakable direction of state policy.

We are building a country of equal opportunities, where everyone has a decent standard of living. The President noted that the principle of “unity in diversity”, which belongs to the UN, is global in nature and relevant for Kazakhstan.

   The main task of the state is and will be to ensure the well-being of citizens.

It is reported that the concept of creating a fair Kazakhstan is not an empty word, but a reality that has concrete outlines.


KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Policy and Organization, teacher Baimaganbetova K. Excerpt from the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the XXXIII Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan, which is important for my work and life


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