Lectures on leadership in the Republic of Uzbekistan

30 april, 2024

Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management, senior lecturer of the Department of Geography, Land Management and Cadastre, Ph.D. Mylkaidarov Alim Tolekovich from 22 to 27.04.2024 gave lectures on the discipline "Economic, social and political Geography of the world" at the Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Sciences of the Gulistan State Pedagogical Institute of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami. Also, following the lectures, 72-hour certificates and letters of thanks were awarded to the rector of the Gulstan State Pedagogical Institute, J. H. Karshibayev, and the rector of the Tashkent State Pedagogical University.Nizami, A. K. Kirghizbayeva.

By special invitation, he held a 1-day lecture at the Samarkand Cooperative Institute. All lectures discussed topical issues of geography and modern economic, social and political ties between the two countries. On the eve of the 90th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, each lecture by the university faculty leadership is dedicated to a university with a deep history that has its place among the world's universities, and each lecture by teachers is a great pride for the university.

A master class was filmed from the lectures of the Gulistan State Pedagogical Institute on the Syrdarya TV channel. You can look at the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LyMZgw7I16Te96ISfRLt0S12_us3RC_p/view?usp=sharing