Political repression: history and lessons learned

29 may, 2024

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held an international scientific-practical conference “Omarbekov Readings”.

The event was timed to the birthday of Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Talas Omarbekov, and to the day of remembrance of the “Victims of Political Repression and Famine” in Kazakhstan.

The conference was attended by the dean of the Faculty of History, Dr. Sci, Associate Professor Dosbol Baigunakov, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of RK, honored worker of Kazakhstan Kanceit Abdezuly, director of Abai Research Institute, holder of the order “Kurmet” Zhangara Dadebaev, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of RK, head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Professor Bereket Karibaev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Amanzhol Kalysh, famous scientists-historians, teaching staff and young people of the university took part in the conference.

The purpose - popularization and generalization of the scientific heritage of Professor T. Omarbekov and study of the problems of famine and political repression in Kazakhstan in the 20-30s of the twentieth century.

The meeting was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of History Dosbol Baigunakov, who dwelled on the labor path of Talas Omarbekov.

“Prof. Talas Omarbekov worked for many years as the head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan at the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. He made a great contribution to the formation and development of scientists-historians of the new generation. The bright image of the scientist, who studied historical, literary, cultural values common to the Turkic world, who wrote scientific works and teaching aids and left his signature in the knowledge of the history of the nation, will forever remain in the hearts of his people. Talas Omarbekov radically changed his position, took a new look at the national history and began to study historical problems. Relying on secret archives and new materials, he wrote a true history of the nation,” the dean said.

During the event, scholars Kanseit Abdezuly, Zhangara Dadebaev, Bereket Karibaev, Amanzhol Kalysh, Mendigul Nogaybaeva and others made presentations. Scientists shared information about the victims of political repression and highlighted the merits of Talas Omarbekov in the study of the history of Kazakhstan.





Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University