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The department of biophysics, biomedicine and neuroscience held the 3 d International Scientific and Practical conference "Integration of Sciences: Biophysics, Biomedicine, Neuroscience", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of KazNU veteran, Associate Professor of the Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience Askarova Zifa Asanbayevna, as well as the 90th anniversary of the Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology and al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
The conference was held with the aim of organizing an interdisciplinary discussion platform to enhance the integration of related branches of science in Kazakhstan in the name of effectively solving theoretical and applied problems facing Kazakh science in the field of biophysics, biomedicine, neuroscience and biological education. The exchange of best practices and innovative ideas between foreign and Kazakh scientists during the discussion of modern achievements and problems of integrative sciences will outline new ways to unite the efforts of scientists from different fields for the sake of the progressive development of integrative sciences in the conditions of interdisciplinary interaction and international cooperation.
Askarova Zifa Asanbaevna - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was born on May 16, 1949 in the city of Dzhambul of the Kazakh SSR. In 1966, after graduating from secondary school No. 25 in Almaty, she entered the Faculty of Biology of Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, specializing in human and animal physiology at the department of the same name under the guidance of Professor M.F. Avazbakieva In 1971 she entered graduate school and in 1975, under the guidance of Associate Professor P.T. Tulbaeva, successfully defended her thesis on the topic: “The role of chemoreceptors of the gastrointestinal tract in the regulation of intestinal motor activity” in the specialty “03.00.04 - biochemistry”.
More than half a century of life of Askarova Z.A. inextricably linked with KazNU, starting from my student days. Askarova Zifa Asanbaevna went through her career from a senior teacher (1975) to the head of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology (1997-1999). For scientific and pedagogical achievements Askarova Z.A. was awarded the academic title of associate professor in 1984.
Associate Professor Askarova Z.A. actively participated in the restructuring of higher education in Kazakhstan, in the introduction of new forms of education to increase the efficiency of educational, methodological and educational work. Askarova Z.A. with a group of teachers and scientists from our faculty, she took part in the development of new educational programs, such as “Biomedicine” and others. Associate Professor Askarova Z.A. A number of educational and methodological manuals have been published in Russian and Kazakh languages, more than 100 scientific papers have been published. Associate Professor Askarova Z.A. He is distinguished by a high level of skill in teaching; for many years he has been teaching general and special courses for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students at a high scientific and methodological level.
In recent years, Z.A. Askarova’s scientific interests have been connected with environmental physiology. In 2019, for conscientious long-term work for the benefit of KazNU, Associate Professor Askarova Z.A. was awarded the medal “Eren Enbegi Ushin”. Askarova Z.A. pays a lot of attention to social work and promotion of cultural values in Kazakhstan. For her impeccable work, friendliness, integrity and high professionalism, Zifa Asanbaevna has gained deep respect and high authority among colleagues and students of KazNU.
The moderator of the plenary session was Almira Melsovna Kustubaeva, head of the department of biophysics, biomedicine and neuroscience of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, candidate of biological sciences, professor.
The conference was opened by Zhamila Nurmatovna Aitzhanova, Member of the Board-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor. Zhamila Nurmatovna welcomed the participants of the conference, congratulated Z.A.Askarova on the anniversary, expressed her words of gratitude, conveyed congratulations of the Chairman of the Board - Rector of KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Mr. Zhamila Nurmatovna. She also awarded Askarova Zifa Asanbayevna with a silver medal "For special services to KazNU named after Al-Farabi" for high professionalism, conscientious performance of scientific and pedagogical activity, continuous and perfect work, significant contribution to the development of scientific and educational potential of KazNU, to increasing its recognition in the international arena, to creating an image of KazNU as an advanced world-class university.
The dean of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of KazNU, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Kurmanbaeva Meruert Sakenovna, who congratulated the jubilee Z.A.Askarova, noted the high level of the conference and wished the conference participants fruitful work, made a welcoming speech.
The plenary session was started by the Head of the Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor Almira Melsovna Kustubaeva with the report on scientific and pedagogical activity of the jubilee Askarova Zifa Asanbayevna.
The plenary session was continued by a major scientist in the field of cytology and biomedicine, founder and CEO of Peri-Nuk Labs at the University of Houston, leading researcher at Baylor College of Medicine, PhD (Houston, USA) Shaiken Tattim with the report "Cytomatrix and Rethinking Cancer". The plenary report on "Chronobiology: fundamental and applied aspects" was delivered by Sultan Tuleukhanov Sultan Tuleukhanovich, Professor of the Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The plenary session was concluded by the director of the Research Center of Vascular Pathology of Al-Farabi KazNU, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Darmenov Oralbai Kenzhebaevich with a report on "Preliminary results of direct action on atherosclerotic plaques of the artery lipolytic drugs.
The reports caused a wide resonance among the conference participants, interesting and informative discussion of the problems raised by the speakers. The Proceedings of the conference included more than 50 articles and theses on 4 sections of the conference.
Section 1. Theoretical and applied aspects of biophysics
Section 2. Achievements and current problems of biomedicine
Section 3. Theoretical and applied aspects of neuroscience.
Section 4. Actual issues of theory and practice of biological education
At the meetings of the conference sections, a Resolution was adopted, which summed up the results of the conference and formulated proposals for the further development of the integration of sciences in the name of sustainable development of science, which is designed to ensure scientific and technological progress and improve the standard of living of the population.