Students were told about the history of state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan

4 june, 2024

At the Faculty of History of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University a round table on the theme “The origins of Kazakh heraldry and state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was held. The event was dedicated to the Day of State Symbols in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Dean of the Faculty of History, Professor Dosbol Baigunakov noted that the symbols of the state express historical continuity, the idea of statehood, consolidation and aspiration to national and universal values, they are also external forms of ideology of national statehood. According to the dean, the state symbols artistically reflect the main features of Kazakh history, culture and philosophy.

During the round table, the head of the Department of Archaeology, Ethnology and Museology, Professor Bibizia Kalshabayeva, who focused her attention on the origins of Kazakh heraldry. Also in his report, the head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Bereket Karibaev told about different symbolic signs and tamga in the traditional Kazakh society. Professors Tattigul Kartaeva and Ryskeldi Myrzabekova noted the plot of the coat of arms, ornaments and other attributes of state symbols.

The participants of the round table answered the students' questions, told about totem animals, which were a symbol of courage and bravery, various forms of tamga, clan signs, etc. The participants of the round table answered the students' questions.

It should be noted that all regions and cities celebrate the Day of State Symbols of the country on June 4. On this day the state symbols of Kazakhstan, which symbolize its independence and identity, were approved for the first time. The immutable foundations of sovereignty - Flag, Coat of Arms and Anthem presented to the world the state called the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University