Business trip of O.U. Tuyakbayev, a scientific researcher at the Scientific Research Center "Monuments and Spiritual Heritage" to Montreal

7 june, 2024

From April 2 to April 14, 2024, employee of the Scientific Research Center “Monuments of Written Monuments and Spiritual Heritage” O.U. Tuyakbayev won a 2-week grant and went on a research trip to McGill University in Montreal (Quebec, Canada). Purpose of the trip: to study manuscripts in an Old Turkic language from the collection of the Osler Library for the History of Medicine.

“The McGill University Library is so large that each department functions as a separate library. The Osler Library collects collections related to medical science and history, the Blacker-Wood Library collects collections related to zoology and ornithology, the Islamic Studies Library (Islamic Studies) in its field, the Rare Books and Special Collections Department (Rare Books and Special Collections). Collections Division) collects a fund of Canadian written heritage, organizes research, holds cultural and scientific events (exhibitions, seminars, lectures, etc.).

The Osler Library contains approximately 350 medical records written in Central Asia. Among them there is a manuscript (MSS. 7785/3), in which two versions of the work “Dastur al-'ilaj” (the traditional version of Koshkinshi and Abu Sagid), written to Kushkinshi Khan and Abu Sagid Khan, were copied.