«National spirit. National consciousness»

31 may, 2024

On May 31, 2024 at 10.00 a.m.  the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies  of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University  organized the   seminar on the topic: «National spirit. National consciousness» delivered by   Associate Professor,  Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,  Konyrbaeva Sarash Sakhieva    within the framework of 4 SDG: Quality education.

During the seminar, Sarash Sakhievna  discussed  with the  students  the importance of  the established civil position and  national education. National interest is the formation of people's national consciousness and the sense of behavior based on  mother  tongue,  history, material culture and national traditions. The main purpose of the national education is to form  the patriotic identity,  to promote  the national values and to arouse the youth’s interest in them. Professor Sarash Sakhievna told the students about the necessity  to master  modern technologies and  knowledge,  and to keep  the balance of the national spirit and consciousness. The speaker held a discussion with the students and the quiz. In conclusion, it  can be said   that the event was very interesting  and informative.

Organizers: A.Baieli, R.Torekhanova