Today, May 28, a departmental scientific seminar was held within the walls of our faculty, in which Stanislav Alekseevich Molchanov spoke on the topic “Population dynamics: old and new tasks.”
Stanislav Alekseevich Molchanov is a professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (USA), a member of the American Mathematical Society (Fellow of AMS). Director and co-director of NSF (USA) and RSF (Russian Science Foundation, Russia) grants. Over the years, he was invited for scientific work at leading European universities - Cambridge, Paris 6, Paris 7, La Sapienza (Rome), Bonn, Bielefeld, etc. He is a member of the editorial board of several scientific journals.
The report examines population models with an infinite number of particles and active spatial dynamics. In particular, homogeneous models and their random perturbations, leading to interesting spectral problems, namely Anderson-type models. Technically, these results are related to the spectral theory of the Schoedinger random operator. The report also sets out the challenges initiated by the events surrounding COVID.
There were so many people who wanted to attend the seminar that the organitional committee had to change the initially selected audience to a larger one so that those interested could fit in, but even so, some were not able to get in. An interesting report from such a not just “а good” mathematician, I think, will remain in the annals of our faculty.