Educational and field practice within the framework of sustainable development for the protection and restoration of dry ecosystems

18 june, 2024

Within the framework of the 15th goal of sustainable development for the preservation of ecosystems, a 1st-year student of the specialty "Biology and related sciences and fisheries" under the guidance of the professor of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of Al-Farabi KazNU Tynybekov B.M. and participating teachers of the department conduct training and field practice. Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Professor M.S. Kurmanbayeva and Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs PhD A.B. Kusmangaziev, Head of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources PhD G.B. Kegenova familiarized themselves with the course of field practice. During daily practical classes, students conduct visual observation of biotopes, collect material, learn the methods of compiling a herbarium, get to know and identify types of flora and fauna in nature, learn their Latin names. During practice, students learn to make lists of species, as well as methods of drying and storing herbariums. Students study methods of catching, marking and storing vertebrates and invertebrates, as well as identify species and give them Latin names. Educational and field practice is very important for future biologists to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained by students during the year, to see it in practice in natural conditions with their own eyes, to hold and identify it with their hands, to remember the name in Latin.

Department of biodiversity and bioresources