The best graduates were awarded diplomas

22 june, 2024

A solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas to graduates took place at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. This year the leading university of the country graduated 3702 graduates. Bachelor's degree was completed by 2143 young people, 659 of them became holders of diplomas "with honors". 1559 graduates received a master's degree. In addition, 1325 foreign citizens from almost 60 countries graduated from the university.

The event was attended by Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev, President of the KazNU Alumni Association Kairat Mami, ex-chairman of the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law Musabek Alimbekov, ex-chairman of the Agency of Kazakhstan on Combating Corruption Alik Shpekbaev, Major General of Justice Mukhtar Zhurgenbaev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Myrzakarim Alshynbaev, graduates and their parents. 

At the solemn meeting Zhanseit Tuimebaev addressed the graduates with a congratulatory speech.

"Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev at the meeting of the National Kurultai "Adal adam - adal eenbek - adal tabys" noted: "Only a hardworking person, a dedicated professional can achieve real success in life. As the Head of State, I advocate that our citizens, especially young people, should be well educated and have a broad outlook. Popular wisdom says: "Plant your flag on your native land". The young generation should correctly understand the deep meaning of these words. In this regard, I would like to wish the graduates that success and good luck always accompany you in your adult life. Go to the intended goal, using the knowledge and skills that you have received from our professors and teachers. Do not get tired of learning and improving your knowledge. After all, the well-being and prosperity of our country will depend on you now," the Rector said. 

In his speech Zhanseit Tuimebaev also shared new achievements of KazNU.

"Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi entered the Top 200 universities of the world in the international ranking QS World University Rankings 2025 (QS WUR). This year the higher education institution advanced by 67 positions on 9 indicators, thus from 230th place rose to 163. And also our university became the only one among Kazakhstan universities, which for the first time entered the Top 401-600 of Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings - 2024. I congratulate all of you on this achievement! This is our common victory", - emphasized the Rector.

Kairat Mami, Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of the Alumni Association, spoke at the event.

"Today is a historic day for you. You are graduating from the leading university of the country and entering adulthood. 50 years ago I graduated from our alma mater and received my diploma. I wish you all a happy journey into a new life," said Kairat Abdrazakovich.

During the gala evening 30 best graduates were awarded diplomas. The event continued with a concert program prepared by the university students.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University