Issues related to the implementation of ESG principles were discussed

25 june, 2024

A round table "ESG commitment of business: current trends and challenges of the new day" was held in Almaty. It was organized by the Civic Alliance of Almaty together with the Management Department of the Higher School of Economics and Business of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken". 


The meeting participants discussed the issues of business adaptation to the implementation and introduction of ESG principles, the role of civil society in the realization of sustainable development goals and the need for government support for ESG implementation.

Within the framework of the round table there was a presentation of ESG Guidebook for business, prepared within the framework of the project "Triune concept of sustainable development (ESG): business interests in the context of balanced development of regions" - KNVO MES RK. Project leader - Professor of the Department of Management, Dr. A. Adambekova.

ESG Guidebook is designed for entrepreneurs, executives of public and private companies and organizations interested in implementing ESG principles in their companies' operations.

The ESG Guidebook consists of three sections: an overview of ESG in terms of essence, role, standards and ratings; national aspects of ESG from the perspective of global and regional trends; and implementation issues from an ESG governance perspective.

Turebekova Bazhan Otemaratovna,

Senior Lecturer, Department of Management

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