The final meeting of the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism for the 2023-2024 academic year was held

29 june, 2024

The final meeting of the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism for the 2023-2024 academic year was held.

Main issues discussed:

  • summing up the results of the academic year, including: analysis of the implementation of the curriculum; achievements and successes of students and teachers; evaluation of exam results and completed work
  • discussion of scientific research and publications: presentation of completed scientific projects; plans for publishing scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals; assessment of the participation of teachers and students in scientific conferences and seminars
  • analysis of practical training of students: results of internships; feedback from partner organizations and enterprises; discussion of opportunities to improve practical training
  • development of new educational programs and courses: introduction of innovative teaching methods; adaptation of training programs to modern labor market requirements; discussion of proposals for new courses and disciplines
  • planning for the next academic year: determining priority areas for the development of the department; planning educational and scientific events; teacher training strategy
  • discussion of interaction with external partners: expanding cooperation with travel companies and organizations; opportunities for internships and exchange programs for students; participation of the department in national and international projects
  • improvement of the material and technical base of the department: needs for updating educational materials and equipment; issues of financing and attracting grants

The meeting made it possible to summarize the results of the past academic year, identify key achievements and outline plans for the future for the further development of the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism: