9 august, 2024




The Abai Research Institute at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University invites you to take part in the fifth international scientific (offline-online) conference CREATIVE HERITAGE AND TEACHINGS OF ABAI KUNANBAYULY” dedicated to the birthday of Abai Kunanbayev, which will be held on August 9, 2024 as part of the 90th anniversary of KazNU.

The conference will be attended by Kazakhstani and foreign literary scholars, scientists from universities and research institutes, doctoral students, undergraduates and representatives of the media.

The purpose of the conference is to examine the creative heritage and teachings of the great Kazakh poet Abai from the perspective of modern scientific paradigms. Issues addressed at the conference:

- Creative personality  of Abai;

- Modern understanding of Abai's creative heritage

- The conceptual system of Abai's teaching;

- The place and importance of Abai's creative heritage and teachings in modern spirituality.

The conference will be held on August 9, 2024 at 11:00 in Hall 409 of the Al-Farabi Library. The online conference is conducted on the Zoom platform. The link will be notified later.

Contact phone numbers: 8701 270 18 68 (Laila Zhumataykyzy); 8705 750 45 56 (Bibigul Dauletkyzy).

Materials are accepted until August 9, 2024. Articles should be sent to the following email address: Abaigzikonf@gmail.com. The conference materials are planned to be released in the form of an electronic collection. The collection is assigned an International Standard Book Number (ISBN).

Requirements for the design of materials:

  1. Materials are accepted in electronic form to the address Abaigzikonf@gmail.com. The file must be saved in the Microsoft Office Word format with the name of the author.
  2. Full name, position, scientific title, country (Times New Roman font, bold, italics, 14 size) are placed in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. The title of the article (Times New Roman font, bold, 14 size) is in the middle of the page. The main text is typed in one interval in Times New Roman font (14 size) (see sample). Paragraph indentation of the main text – 1.5; alignment – width; word wrapping in the text – automatically.
  4. The list of references – after the main text (Times New Roman font (12 size).
  5. The reference to the literature is made in square brackets, at the end of the sentence the number of the source taken from the bibliography is indicated, as well as the page number.
  6. Information about the author is indicated at the end of the text: surname, first name, patronymic (full); city; place of work and position; scientific degree and title; student, undergraduate, doctoral student, educational institution, course, faculty or department is indicated.
  7. The volume of materials should not exceed 6 pages.

Materials that do not correspond to the topic of the conference and have not been edited will not be included in the collection.


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