Science programme website launched

24 july, 2024

Last year, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University won a KZT4 billion megagrant from the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan in a competition for scientific and scientific-technical programmes for 2023-2025.

The aim of the programme is to conduct comprehensive research to ensure sustainable development of natural-economic and socio-economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region, including Mangistau, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and Aktobe oblasts.

As part of the implementation of this programme, a specialised website with the URL address was developed to improve the efficiency of scientific research and the accessibility of its results.

The purpose of this website is to centrally collect and disseminate information about the programme, providing easy access to data for all stakeholders. The site promotes popularisation of scientific achievements, expansion of their practical application and integration of scientific knowledge into the social and economic processes of the region.

The website is structured into 9 main sections, each with a unique function in presenting information about the programme:

1) Home. Overview page containing general information about the programme, an interactive map of the West Kazakhstan region and the latest news.

2) About the Programme. Detailed description of the megagrant, including its goals, objectives, relevance, expected results and information about the implementers.

3) Objectives. A section detailing the specific tasks performed by each consortium member organisation.

4) Partners. Information about the consortium members, their collaborators involved in the programme, research interests and contributions to the programme.

5) About the Region. Interactive map with information about the West Kazakhstan region by oblast.

6) Publications. Catalogue of scientific works published within the framework of the programme, including articles, monographs, patents and other works.

7) News. Updates on events, scientific research and other significant events.

8) Contacts. Contact information for all member organisations of the consortium.

9) Tourism Forum. Link to a sub-domain of the website dedicated to the upcoming Sustainable Tourism Forum, which will take place from 21-23 November 2024, with more than 150 international guests.

The website is unique in its integrative approach to information provision. It brings together data on all nine members of the consortium, offering users access to information on tasks, performers, publications and contact details. This resource becomes an important tool for researchers and practitioners, providing an integrated view of the programme and the region.

The programme is closely linked to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1-3, 6-15 and 17, addressing the strategically important objectives of sustainable environmental, social and economic development of the West Kazakhstan region. The website helps to achieve these goals by creating a platform for knowledge sharing and popularisation of research results, facilitating their practical application and commercialisation.

The development and launch of the West Kazakhstan Sustainable Development Science Programme website represents a significant step in the integration and dissemination of scientific knowledge. This resource not only promotes the popularisation of science, but also assists in the implementation of key SDGs aimed at improving the environmental, social and economic situation in the region.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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