24 september, 2024

A healthy lifestyle should become an integral part of the general culture of students. It is important to note that cultural and entertainment events for young people should not be formal; on the contrary, they should arouse interest in life, develop strong-willed qualities and character traits that allow them to resist the negative influence of society.

The idea of ​​holding Health Day in all educational institutions is very relevant and has great preventive and educational value, since the lack of a person’s personal motives in maintaining health has led to the fact that there is currently a tendency for its deterioration throughout the world.

The effectiveness of Health Day is manifested, first of all, in the strengthening of the physical and mental health of young people, the low level of illness among students, the high degree of their mental abilities, physical fitness, and the employment of students in their free time.

On September 22, 2024, 1st year students of the EP “Logistics” of the Department of “Business Technologies” of the Higher School of Economics and Business with the group advisor, Ph.D., Associate Professor R.B. Sartova. took part in the traditional Health Day as part of achieving goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

To make the event bright and as invigorating as possible, they decided to hold Health Day in an open-air format.

The health ladder of the Medeu high-altitude skating rink has become a route for students to breathe fresh mountain air and increase their endurance. You can climb directly from Medeu to the mudflow dam. In addition, you can see an incomparable view of the Medeu skating rink, the dam, the Trans-Ili Alatau and the city from the observation deck.

«Gorelnik» is a hot spring, which is located between the Medeu ski resort and the Shymbulak ski resort at an altitude of 1900 meters above sea level.

Health Day allowed the students of the group to get to know each other better and unite in achieving a common goal. 

There is nothing more valuable in the world than health. Proper nutrition, exercise and the absence of bad habits allow a person to always be young and vigorous! Be healthy!