KazNU celebrated the Day of Trade Unions

10 october, 2024

In Al-Farabi KazNU took place an event dedicated to the Day of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of which the awarding of active members of the trade union of university employees ‘Parasat’ took place.


The event was attended by members of the trade union committee and chairmen of trade union bureaus of subdivisions, trade union activists, representatives of faculty and staff of the university.

Talgat Mekebayev, Chairman of Parasat Trade Union, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech and congratulated them on the holiday. He made a brief excursion into the history of Kazakhstan trade union movement, which dates back to December 1905, when workers of Uspensky copper mine of Akmola district united into a trade union and made political and economic demands. The Day of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan is celebrated on 10 October. The corresponding Government Decree of 22 May 2019 was published in the information-legal system of normative-legal acts.

Talgat Kumargalievich also noted the achievements of the leading higher education institution of the country, which entered the Top 200 best universities in the world in the QS rating, taking 163rd place. Construction of the 2nd stage of KazNU-town has started. ‘On this festive day it is important to note the invaluable contribution that you make every day to the cause of education and upbringing of future graduates of KazNU, with your conscientious work you strengthen the trade union movement of the largest university of the country, capable of fully defending the rights and interests of workers,’ - said the chairman of the trade union “Parasat”.

Then there was an awarding of certificates of gratitude to active members of trade union of workers of Al-Farabi KazNU from each faculty and subdivision of the university, who made a great contribution to its development.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University