«Charity event» with the participation of 1st year undergraduates

12 october, 2024

On October 11, 2024, within the framework of Tsur 2, in order to «Eliminate hunger», senior lecturer of the Department of Finance and accounting, candidate of Economic Sciences, O. Zhadigerova organized a «Charity event» with the participation of 1st year undergraduates of the specialty «Finance» of the Faculty of Economics and business.

Currently, every tenth person in the world is hungry. A billion people around the world face this problem every day. This means that one in eight inhabitants of the Earth does not have enough food necessary for a normal, healthy lifestyle. Hunger makes people weak and sick, negatively affects concentration, ability to work and study. However, we can do a lot to help end hunger! Fighting Hunger will help you learn more about the causes of hunger, the importance of food security and food sovereignty, and what concrete steps you can take to fight hunger on our planet. Always remember: Your ideas and actions today will help people around the world live a better life in the future.