A round table "Kazakhstan is my Homeland"

On October 22, 2024, within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals program, a round table "Kazakhstan is my Homeland" was held with the organization of the History Department of the History Department of Kazakhstan.
The event was attended by first-year students of the Law Faculty and the ecology specialty. The main goal of the round table "Kazakhstan is my Homeland" is to instill in students a love for their homeland, to treat the symbols of our country with care, to increase love for their native country and to develop a sense of patriotism.
The event was attended by: Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan Karibayev Bereket Bakytzhanuly, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Noyanov Edil Noyanovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Arynov Zhumakan Makanovich, PhD Doctor, Deputy for Science of the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, Labor Law Myrzatayev Nurmukhamed Dauletkeldievich, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law Abdrakhmanov Arman. Each guest spoke about the importance of the Motherland. Love, respect for the Motherland is the height of the spiritual level of a person. It was noted that reverence for the Motherland begins with love for its nature, faithful service to its prosperity. The round table was also held in the format of a discussion. In the end, gifted students demonstrated their talents.