Gender equality is the path to a sustainable future for the nation

29 october, 2024

On October 22, 2024, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism Sapiyeva Akmaral Zhenisbayevna launched the "I love KazNU" challenge, among other ethnic groups in connection with the Sustainable Development Goals with 3rd-year students of the educational program "Tourism".

During the launch of the challenge, the word "I love KazNU" was heard among different ethnic groups in their own languages ​​of different nationalities. This challenge will undoubtedly strengthen the love and friendship of peoples for each other. Achieving such equality is an important goal of sustainable development, economic growth and strengthening social justice. This requires education, policy and cultural change. In addition, one of the main interests of the launch of the challenge was the creation of the "I love KazNU" challenge in order to increase love for the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi and strengthen brotherhood and friendship between representatives of other ethnic groups. Achieving such equality is an important goal of sustainable development, economic growth and strengthening social justice. It requires education, policy and cultural change.

This challenge notes that there are no restrictions in the country that prevent gender equality: every citizen has an equal right to education, free expression of opinion and professional development in any field. Students presented their ideas and thoughts on this topic, discussing the importance of gender equality in society.

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