An open lecture on the importance of plants in the cultures of the peoples of Central Asia was held at KazNU

27 september, 2024

The Biology and Biotechnology Faculty actively operates the Club of Young Scientists of the Biology Faculty of KazNU, as well as the student community of AIChE KazNU (American Institute of Chemical Engineers). Young scientists and students connect their lives with serving society, the ideals of sustainable development, scientific and technological progress and humanism, have a desire to improve the world around them and create their future today. This is impossible to do without solid scientific knowledge.

Therefore, activists have taken on the mission of widely disseminating scientific knowledge in order to expand the circle of like-minded people, motivate students and the general public to achieve, because the more like-minded people interested in knowledge, the more knowledge-based initiatives there are around, the closer the intended goals are.

Young scientists and students invite experts from various fields who are ready to share their knowledge and experience during lectures, seminars, workshops. Educational and training events are open to everyone, not only to students and employees of KazNU. The doors of KazNU are open to all who seek knowledge and support.

On September 26, 2024, Ruslan Kastani gave an open lecture on the topic "Sacred Plants of Central Asia: Biochemistry of Ritualism and Mythology". The purpose of the event is to introduce students to sacred plants and myths associated with them. To interest students in the world of botany and provide information about the importance of plants in the cultures of our region.