Gender inequality in Central Asia and EuropeFarabi University

Gender inequality in Central Asia and Europe

2 november, 2024

Date: November 2, 2024
Format: Round table
Topic: Gender inequality in Central Asia and Europe 

Participants: Students from various academic groups, including Chinese students studying with us
Teacher: Amanbayeva Yulia Kuspanova, Russian language teacher. 

Objectives of the event:
Explore the current state of gender inequality in Central Asia.
Conducting a comparative analysis of views on gender equality in Central Asia and Europe. 
Discussion of possible ways to improve the situation of gender equality in Central Asia.

Teacher's introduction:
Yuliya Kuspanova congratulated the participants, introduced the topic of the round table, emphasized the importance of the topic of gender equality in modern society, and noted the main goals of the discussion. 

Students prepared a presentation that included a comparative analysis of gender inequality in Central Asia and Europe.
Statistics showing the level of gender inequality in Central Asia compared to European countries were presented.  
The presentation also focused on key policy directions for reducing gender inequality in Europe that could be useful for Central Asian countries. 
Participants discussed the social and cultural causes of gender inequality in Central Asia, including traditional foundations and insufficient attention to this issue at the state level. 
Students from China in our group shared experiences from their region and talked about how their society and culture approach gender equality issues.
During the discussion, the role of legislative measures and social programs in improving the situation of gender equality, which are actively used in Europe, was emphasized. 

Final word:
Teacher Yulia Kuspanova thanked all the participants for their active participation and emphasized the importance of intercultural interaction in such discussions.
A proposal was made to continue research on this topic and, if possible, present the results at scientific conferences. 

Results of the event:
Participants gained a better understanding of attitudes towards gender equality in different countries and cultures.
Recommendations for next steps, including conducting additional seminars and preparing training materials on the topic, were developed.