SDG– 4. Event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Galym Zhumabek Omarovich Kenzhalin
UNESCO Department of Journalism and Communication of the Faculty of Journalism of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University November 23, 2024 at 10.00 in the Al-Farabi Library in conference room No. 409 on the 4th floor in connection with the 90th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in conference room No. 409 on the 4th floor, in connection with the 90th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, within the framework of the 3rd Kenzhalin Readings, will hold the traditional International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information Processes in Kazakh Society: Media Management, Marketing and PR ", dedicated to the memory of the famous scientist, founder of the theory and practice of information management in Kazakhstan, talented media organizer, writer-publicist, candidate of political sciences, excellent teacher Zhumabek Omarovich Kenzhalin.
He worked as an associate professor at the UNESCO Department, International Journalism and Media in Society, and as General Director and Chairman of the Board of Editors of Kazakh Gazettery LLP. The textbook by Zhumabek Kenzhalin “Problems of political management and public relations of the press”, as well as scientific and methodological developments on information management and marketing, created by a practicing scientist, today serve for the benefit of teachers and students of the faculty.
Representatives of central and local authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, domestic scientists, managers and media correspondents, teachers, doctoral students and undergraduates took part in the conference. The conference materials were published as an electronic collection.