Living History: Students Met with December VeteransFarabi University

Living History: Students Met with December Veterans

27 november, 2024

On November 27, 2024, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, a round table discussion on the topic "Educating the Younger Generation in the National Spirit" was held in the student campus of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The event was organized by the student campus administration and the Department of Kazakh History.

The event was attended by members of the Republican organization "Zheltoksan Akikaty" and veterans of the December events: M. Beidaly, S.Zh. Abulgaliuly, D.K. Dybysuly, E.T. Kalshaev. From the university, the following were present: Dean of the Faculty of History, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor D.S. Baigunakov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor E. Noyanuly, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Zh.M. Arynov, as well as 1st-year students.

During the round table, veterans shared information about the December Uprising with students and answered topical questions. The meeting ended with a concert organized by the students.