2 december, 2024

On December 2, 2024,  at Al-Farabi  Kazakh  National  University  the first-year students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and the lecturers  of the Department of Foreign Languages of Philology Faculty held an international event on the topic: "Kazakhstan’s  Partnership with other Different Countries" within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goal 17.  The event was attended by the students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and the students studying abroad: Zhylysbayeva Korkemay Rakhatkyzy (University of Messina, Italy), Bayrbek Perizat Abdimanapovna (University of Schmalkalden, Germany), Serikbay Balnur Kuanyshovna (University of Tsukuba, Japan). Kazakhstani students studying abroad shared the quality of education there, photos and video-messages about the university where they study.                During the event, the  first-year students of the Mechanics major,  Zhambyl Temirlan prepared a slide on which he presented an  important information about Kazakhstan's relations with Russia, China, and America.  The students of  Actuarial Mathematics major  Bakhtiyar Nuradil and Shulenbaeva Amina spoke about Kazakhstan's relations with the countries of Central Asia. Zhasulan Sarsenbayev, the first-year student of  Applied Mathematics major, prepared a slide and shared information about Kazakhstan's relations with Russia and Turkey. Bayyrbekova Balnur, Aizhan Abdikhamitova (Mathematics major), Dinmukhamed Baktygerey, Guldana Asylbek (Space Engineering and Technology major), Tasbolat Tazhimbek, Toktasyn Almas and Aiym Baysimakova (Computer Engineering and Statistics major) recited  the  proverbs about friendship in Kazakh and English. Moderator Turarbekov Dinasyl, the first-year student of  Applied Mathematics major, led the event in Kazakh and English. At the end of the event,  the senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages Zhubanova Kulyash Khorezmovna thanked the students and wished them fruitful studies and many new achievements. 
Organizers: lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages: senior lecturers: Zhubanova K.Kh., Bekmasheva B.N., Kuralova A.T., Myrzabaeva A.Zh., Tursynbekova U.T., Dzhemileva M.M., Ushkempirov B.M.


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