Open lesson on "Ensuring food security and improving nutrition"

On December 3, 2024, as part of the pedagogical practice of doctoral students, an open lesson was held for students of the 4th year of the bachelor's degree in Biotechnology», dedicated to the directions of the Sustainable Development Goals. The event was held on the basis of the «National Center of Biotechnology» LLP and the «Scientific and Production Center of Microbiology and Virology» LLP and combined the goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Program (SDGs) with the professional direction of students.
Organizers: Associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management B. Imanbekova and 1st year doctoral students in the specialty «Biotechnology» M. Amanzholova and specialty «Microbiology» A. Zhaksylyk.
The event was opened by Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biotechnology of KazNU K.A. Mukhataeva. In her speech, she stressed the importance of the topic for the professional and personal development of students, the importance of integrating knowledge on biotechnology with the key objectives of the SDGs, focusing on the practical application of the knowledge gained.
The students were presented with the main areas of work of the «National Center of Biotechnology» LLP. The participants got acquainted with the activities of the laboratories, their achievements and current projects. As part of the implementation of the second direction of the SDGs, a project was presented on the development of microbiological methods to improve the safety and security of meat and meat products. The project is being implemented in the «Scientific and Production Center of Microbiology and Virology» LLP and is aimed at solving urgent problems in the field of food safety and improving the quality of meat products. Key aspects of the SDGs were discussed, including:
- Goal 2: Eliminate hunger
- Goal 3: Good health and well-being,
- Goal 4: Quality education,
- Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth,
- Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production,
- Goal 15: Conservation of terrestrial ecosystems.
Special attention was paid to the role of biotechnology in solving urgent problems of Kazakhstan, such as public health, ecological balance and rational use of resources. Students actively participated in the discussion, shared their thoughts and ideas on the application of professional knowledge to achieve sustainable development goals.
The event allowed the participants to realize the importance of their profession in the context of global challenges and feel responsible for its development. The open lesson ended with a discussion of promising areas of scientific work in the field of biotechnology.
4th year undergraduate students majoring in Biotechnology
Discussion about the elimination of hunger
Presentation of a project dedicated to the development of microbiological methods to improve the safety and security of meat
Discussion of SDG goals