Fundamentals of Financial Literacy at QyzPU
In line with the fourth Sustainable Development Goal, "Quality Education," the eighth goal, "Decent Work and Economic Growth," and the seventeenth goal, "Partnerships for the Goals," a meeting on the topic "Fundamentals of Financial Literacy" was held at QyzPU on December 5, 2024. The event featured Gulymzhan Eskarauly Kerimbek, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, and Head of the Department of "Finance and Accounting" at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
The event aimed to enhance financial literacy and develop key skills in the field of finance. It was attended by the university’s faculty and first-year students.
During the meeting, the importance of self-reflection, planning, and effective time management was emphasized. Gulymzhan Eskarauly Kerimbek highlighted that the foundation of the concept of a "debt-free society" begins with the ability to save.
All ideas and recommendations were illustrated through examples from real life and popular films, which helped participants better understand the topic. Additionally, parallels were drawn between financial literacy and the thoughts of the great Kazakh philosopher Abai, providing deeper insights into the issues discussed.
At the end of the informative session, participants asked Galymzhan Eskarauly Kerimbek their questions and received comprehensive answers.