For the teaching staff of the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism, the Chairman of the Academic Committee for the Quality of Teaching and Learning of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences A.G. Koshim organized a methodological seminar for the high-quality compilation of the educational and methodological complex of disciplines. Member of the Academic Committee from the Department Zh.N. Aliyeva and Deputy Head of the Department for Academic, Methodological and Educational Work S.A. Mominov were also actively involved in organizing the seminar.
The methodological seminar was organized with the aim of improving the professional competence of teachers in developing syllabuses and educational and methodological complexes of disciplines. The participants of the seminar were thoroughly acquainted with the basic principles of compiling syllabuses, innovations, their structure, as well as modern approaches to the formation of educational and methodological complexes of disciplines. Particular attention was paid to the requirements for the content of educational materials, the formation of learning objectives, the formulation of the results of mastering the disciplines and the methods of their assessment.
The seminar allowed the faculty of the department not only to improve their skills, but also to exchange experiences, which will contribute to improving the quality of the educational process as a whole.