The Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, member of the Scientific Expert Group of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in Almaty, and member of the Presidium of the Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan participated in the round table discussion on “History, Theory, and Practice of Ethnomediation Development in Kazakhstan.” This event was organized by the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology of Buketov Karaganda University in collaboration with the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda region at the House of Friendship of the KSU “Қоғамдық келісім.” The event was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.
The round table brought together representatives of the Assembly’s structures, professional and public mediators, as well as the scientific community of the region, including:
• Vitaly Albertovich Khmelevsky, Public Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda region, Chairman of the public association “Karaganda Regional Polish Society ‘Polonia’”;
• Luiza Magomedovna Uzаrova, Director of the Center for Ethnomediation of the Institute for Applied Ethnopolitical Research (online from Astana);
• Bibisara Aubakirovna Amirova, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor at Buketov Karaganda Research University;
• Anzhela Alvanovna Indzhigolyan, professional mediator, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Assistant Professor at Buketov Karaganda Research University, Specialist at the KSU “Қоғамдық келісім” of the Department of Internal Policy of the Karaganda region;
• and other distinguished experts.
In this landmark year, as the entire country celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, hosting such a large-scale and significant event is particularly relevant. Today, Kazakhstan stands out globally for its multicultural composition and, most importantly, for the existence of a unique institution—the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. Initially conceived as an advisory body, the Assembly has since evolved, with its members now having parliamentary representation.
As the head of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, which focuses on leading Eastern countries—many of which are undergoing phases of multiculturalism and globalization—I can confidently state that one of the most remarkable aspects for my colleagues from the East is the fact that the Secretariat of the Assembly is an independent structural unit within the Administration of the President. Additionally, five members of the Senate of the Parliament are appointed by the Head of State upon the recommendation of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. The Assembly serves as the backbone, foundation, and cornerstone of Kazakhstan’s model of national unity. As a result, we have successfully integrated ethnic groups into a single Kazakhstani people, and one of the key contributing factors to this success has been the institution of ethnomediation in our country, noted N.B. Yem in her speech.
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