8D02301 Translation (Oriental Languages)

Цель: The goal of the program is to prepare highly qualified and competitive specialists in the field of translation science who are able to carry out professional activities in the field of translation theory and practice based on an understanding of the social, cultural, national characteristics inherent in the East countries and Kazakhstan. Provide doctoral students with a quality education that allows them to fully realize their professional and human potential, make a worthy contribution to the development of a multinational, multicultural, pluralistic Kazakhstani society and to the significant progress of domestic science. The educational program is aimed at training scientific personnel capable of developing domestic translation science through in-depth basic research in the field of translation theory and practice, as well as in the study of culture and linguistics. Namely, the identification of the semantic modeling rules of translation, reflecting and explaining the experience of linguistic translation models related to the linguistic picture of the world. The training of highly qualified translation personnel who successfully solve professional problems is becoming one of the priority strategies of the state in the development of modern linguistic education.

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