Academic committees for areas of personnel training
The committee determines the content of the curriculum, approves the programs of study disciplines, and the list of topics for term papers and final qualification works. It also coordinates the programs of state final examinations, among other tasks.
MoreAcademic committees for areas of personnel training
1.1 This Regulation defines the main tasks, organizational structure, rights and obligations of the Academic Committee for the areas of personnel training (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) in NJSC Al-Farabi Kazakh National University ( hereinafter referred to as the University).
1.2 The Regulations of the Committee are developed in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 4 of Article 43-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", paragraph a 20 Chapter 2 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 20, 2022 No. 2 “On approval of state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education” ( hereinafter - SCES).
1.3 The Committee develops and updates educational programs ( hereinafter - EP) in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 4 of Article 43-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", the National Qualifications Framework, industry frameworks and professional standards.
1.4 The Committee in its activities is guided by the norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter, these Regulations and other internal documents of the University.
2.1 Competencies - the ability to use the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of learning in professional activities.
2.2 The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is a structured description of qualification levels recognized in the labor market.
2.3 Educational program (EP) - a single complex of the main characteristics of education, including the goals, results and content of education, the organization of the educational process, the ways and methods of their implementation, the criteria for assessing learning outcomes.
2.4 Industry Qualifications Framework (SQF) is a structured description of the qualification levels recognized in the industry.
2.5 EP passport - a brief description of the EP, including: learning outcomes and disciplines, a description of their relationship with the professional field of the NQF, OQF and professional standards, if any, and also contains information about the labor intensity and the language of instruction.
2.6 Professional standard (PS) - a standard that defines the requirements for the level of qualification and competence, for the content, quality and working conditions in a particular area of professional activity.
2.7 EP development - development of EP components, indicating the learning outcomes and corresponding labor costs, types of learning activities, teaching methods and assessment procedures / criteria.
2.8 Learning Outcomes (LO) - the amount of knowledge, skills, skills, acquired and demonstrated by students in the process of mastering the EP, confirmed by the assessment, as well as the values and attitudes formed.
2.9 Curriculum - a document regulating the list, sequence, volume (labor intensity) of academic subjects, academic disciplines and (or) modules, professional practice, other types of educational activities of students of the appropriate level of education and form of control.
3.1 The main tasks of the Committee are:
- development and updating of EP for the formation of a promising model of university education and ensuring academic leadership;
- effective interaction of the main participants in the educational and scientific process (academic staff, employers and students) in the development and updating of the EP;
- formation of the optimal number of SP of the University to ensure the quality of education and the competitiveness of graduates;
- participation in the quality assessment of the EP, including the assessment of the quality of educational and methodological complexes of disciplines and the preparation of the EP for various quality assessment procedures, including accreditation, in cooperation with the relevant structural divisions of the University;
- development of recommendations on the priorities for the development of the EP and ensuring the integration of education, science and innovation;
- identification of potential partners of the University for the development of joint and double-degree EPs;
- academic and digital modernization of educational activities;
- determination of the minimum educational and scientific, personnel, information and library, teaching and laboratory and other resources for the implementation of the EP and ensuring their availability for students.
4.1 The Committee includes:
- academic staff - the teaching staff of the University;
- employers providing internships for students and providing jobs to graduates of the University;
- students - students, undergraduates, doctoral students of the University.
4.2 Composition of the Committee approved by order of the Chairman of the Board-Rector .
4.3 The direct management of the activities is entrusted to the Chairman / Co-Chairman of the Committee . The Chair/Co-Chair and Secretary are elected from numbers members open voting at the first meeting of the Committee.
4.4 The work of the Committee is carried out in accordance with the annual plan work accepted _ on meeting , agreed with the dean / deans of the faculties included in the Committee, approved Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. Formation annual plan work Committee is carried out taking into account the Program development University.
4.5 The Committee interacts with structural divisions of the University, third-party organizations and institutions within the framework of activities, if it is necessary to solve the tasks and functions assigned to the Committee.
4.6 The meetings of the Committee are held at least once a month in accordance with the annual work plan.
4.7 Secretary provides organizational training meetings Committee , formation and approval agenda days , informing members committee of at least how seven calendar days before the start meetings .
4.8 Based on the results of the issues considered at the meeting of the Committee , by a majority of votes of the members present, recommendations of the Committee and are issued protocol . Meeting minutes and decisions Committee signed by the Chairman/Co-Chairman and Secretary of the Committee . Storage documents and their usage provided by the Secretary of the Committee . At shift secretary documentation transmitted By acts.
4.9 Chairman / Co-Chairman management and coordination activities Committee. The duties of the members of the Committee are determined by the Chairman / Co-Chairman in accordance with the tasks and functions of the Committee, determined by these Regulations on the basis of protocol instructions.
4.10 Each member must attend all meetings of the Committee , take an active part and timely carry out the assignments assigned to him.
4.11 The meeting of the Committee shall be deemed competent if at least two thirds of its members are present.
4.12 The Chairman of the Committee once a semester reports on the results of activities to the Scientist with the faculty council.
4.13 The Committee is responsible for the objectivity and quality of decisions made.
4.14 Organizational support of the activities of the Committee is entrusted to the Office for the Design of Educational Programs of the Department of Academic Affairs.
4.15 The Committee in its activities is accountable to the Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Director of the Department for Academic Affairs.
The Committee has the right:
5.1 to interact with the structural divisions of the University and receive from them the information and documents necessary to perform the functions assigned to the Committee;
5.2 submit to the Academic Council of the faculty issues related to the activities of the Committee;
5.3 involve faculty and students to perform the functions of the Committee.
5.4 Decisions and recommendations of the Committee are binding on the management of the faculty.
The Committee is obliged:
6.1 develop and update the EP on an ongoing basis, taking into account the current and future needs of the labor market;
6.2 ensure the interdisciplinarity of the EP based on the existing potential of the University and cooperation with strategic Kazakhstani and foreign partners;
6.3 develop double-degree and joint education programs with foreign partner universities included in the top 300 of the international QS WUR ranking;
6.4 develop a set of bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs that will provide training for the most sought-after personnel and will be focused on the formation of complex competencies of graduates;
6.5 develop, conduct an examination, adjust curricula, catalogs of elective disciplines, EP passports, educational and methodological complexes of disciplines in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard, the National Qualifications Framework, industry frameworks and professional standards ;
6.6 to form proposals on the thematic plan for the publication of textbooks and teaching aids in the disciplines of the EP at all levels of education based on the analysis of the provision of disciplines with educational literature with the determination of the priority of their publication;
6.7 involve academic staff, students, employers in the development of the EP, taking into account the current and future needs of the labor market;
6.8 control the inclusion of practice-oriented disciplines based on joint teaching by the faculty of the University and representatives of the real sector and business;
6.9 develop and implement academic and digital modernization of educational activities in terms of theoretical training, current, boundary, final control, final certification;
6.10 conduct educational webinars and trainings for teachers and students on digital competency development programs;
6.11 evaluate the quality of the educational process (design, planning, organization, provision) and the research environment at the faculty at three levels: bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies and develop appropriate recommendations for improving activities for all authorized structural divisions of the University;
6.12 develop proposals to improve the quality of teaching disciplines based on the results of monitoring the progress of students of the EP and their satisfaction with the quality of education;
6.13 timely provide the necessary educational and methodological developments, materials, plans and reports on the development of the EP, information for the work of the Academic Council (educational, methodological, scientific and methodological), the Academic Council of the University, structural divisions of the University;
6.14 мembers of the Committee represented by academic staff bear disciplinary responsibility for failure to perform and/or improper performance of the duties stipulated by these Regulations.
7.1 These Regulations come into force from the date of its approval by the order of the Chairman of the Board - Rector of the University.
7.2. Changes and additions to this Regulation are made by order Chairman of the board - Rector of the University.
Academic committees for areas of personnel training
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Academic committees for areas of personnel training
Academic Committee 1
Academic Committee 2
Academic Committee 3
Academic Committee 4
Academic Committee 5
Academic Committee 6
Academic Committee 7
Academic Committee 8
Academic Committee 9
Academic Committee 10
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